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We received so many great entries in our video contest that it was difficult to pick just one winner. It was impressive to see several fans using their creativity and sharing their passion for NuGo...

Tell us about a time you were Tricked into believing something that wasn’t true, and you could win a Treat of NuGo Bars on Halloween! Post a comment on this blog post, and you will be automatically...

Video Contest: Win 365 NuGo Bars
Make a video about NuGo REAL Dark Chocolate protein bars, and you could win 365 NuGo bars. That’s a bar a day in 2014! The winner gets to choose the flavors.

You could be one of five lucky winners of a NuGo Dark T-Shirt. To enter, leave a comment on this blog post answering this question: Why did you buy your first NuGo bar?
Valentines Contest: Post a Photo of the NuGo Bar You Love
You can win a box of your favorite NuGo bars this Valentine’s Day. All you have to do to be entered in our random drawing is to take a picture of the NuGo bar that you love and post it on Instagram...
Virtual Scavenger Hunt: Win a NuGo T-Shirt
o celebrate summer and our new T-shirts, we are having a virtual scavenger hunt. Five winners will get a NuGo Dark shirt in your choice of small, medium, or large. Be one of the first five people t...