American Diabetes Association Alert Day®, celebrated on March 25, is a day for people to conduct fast, free, and private online screenings for the warning signs of type 2 diabetes. Some of the biggest risk factors for type 2, or adult onset diabetes, include:
• Overweight children who have other risk factors for diabetes
• Overweight (BMI greater than 25) adults over age 45
• Adults with risk factors such as high blood pressure and low levels of HDL (“good”) cholesterol.
Even if you don’t fall into one of these risk categories, you should still take a free Risk Test. These tests not only help the user to determine their likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes, they also help the American Diabetes Association raise money for research and resources. For each person who completes a free online risk assessment between March 25 and April 25, 2014, Boar’s Head Brand® will donate $5 to the American Diabetes Association, up to $50,000.
Alert Day is an effective way to help people understand and assess their risk for developing type 2 diabetes, but what does it have to do with NuGo? Well, whether you have diabetes or are at risk for diabetes, you need to be careful about your sugar intake. However, that doesn’t mean you have to give up great tasting snacks. NuGo Family, NuGO Slim, and Smarte Carb are all delicious, healthy, protein-rich snack bars that will satisfy your cravings without affecting your blood sugar. Visit our Diabetes Diet page for more information on how NuGo can fit into your healthy, active life.
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